The reason why GACKT continues doing High School Graduation Surprise Lives out of his own pocket… Revealed onVivit


On the 8th, musician GACKT appeared on TBS「Shiro Netsu Live Vivit」, and shared his thoughts about the surprise lives at high school graduation ceremonies which he has continued for 10 years.

During the program, the footage of GACKT’s surprise live which took place on the 5th in a high school in Chiba prefecture was broadcasted. He realised the wish of the Chairman of the high school’s parents group of wanting to create memories for his daughter and her classmates, which was penned in a letter.

The moment that was the spark which led GACKT to performing surprise lives at high school graduations, was a letter which he received on radio show that he was on. It was a letter from a high school boy who wanted to save his school which was at risk of not meeting admission quotas. GACKT made a promise to the boy that if he managed to increase the number of prospective students through his own efforts, GACKT would perform at his graduation ceremony. And amazingly, the male high school students worked hard and averted the crisis. As promised, in 2006 he performed the surprise live.

With regards to the significance of performing the surprise lives, he laughed and said「My ego」but he further explained,「The person standing on stage more often than not possesses influence, unfortunately, this influence doesn’t continue forever. Even if for just a little, while I still possess influence, I thought, isn’t this something I have to do. From then, I continued on」. The costs for the live are all covered out of his own pocket.

During the live, he passionately sings「No ni Saku Hana no Youni」. At the end, he said「Dreams are not meant to be looked upon, but to be realised. Realise it by pushing through with a great and strong will. Do your best and hang in there!」, there were students who were crying as well.


Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA