GACKT Official instagram update

Hi bros n sisters. How are you doing today? This is a reaction pull-up. Not a regular pull-up. It’s really easy to get the spring of whole body. It doesn’t need a lot of muscles of arms n shoulders. Keep a fixed Rhythm and pace. You will be able to do this 60 times one time. If you want to punch up, should do regular one though. Just do it at least 20. You can do it. おはよう、元気か? これは、反動懸垂ってやつだよ。体全身のバネを使って一定のリズムをキープ、上りきったところで戻る動作、降りきったところで反発を使って上がる動作を繰り返す。これなら60回ぐらいはできるようになる。パンプアッブしたいなら普通の懸垂の方がいいけど。20回はやってみな。きっと出来るよ。じゃ、やってみな。 @GACKT #gacktstagram #homeworkout #monkeybars #pullups #allergicreaction #反動懸垂

Un video pubblicato da GACKT (@gackt) in data:

GACKT’s comments translation

@deepxxgcjob Now, I’m left a TV filming set a bit, and I made an appearance at Duel Jewel’s disbanding live. I’m returning to the TV station now.

@nakko7415 Among those at my gym, there are those who can do it too. They’re women.

@glitter_seirei Well, then I’ll upload stuff like that too.

@momogj0704 First thing when I wake up in the morning.

@mie_g_g_mie Using gloves is basic, blisters probably won’t form that easily.

@yumimineno Basically, those who come to the gym tend to want to engage in serious training, that’s why, many have never seen training where you use your own weight. That’s why, everyone pays attention. And, after me everyone tries doing the same thing but, because they can’t do it they all end up laughing. Like “why???”.

@gacmaria For protein, it is said that you should take one gram per pound of body weight. That is for the sake of creating new cells. Not for building muscles. In one day you have to consume around that amount. People who don’t take protein, in other words, tend to be fat.

@seiryukingdom When you breathe, your load is reduced so you end up having to increase the frequency of it. When that happens, muscles will grow bigger and bigger. As much as possible we don’t want it big. You want to build good and efficient muscles which is up to a certain extent. This is my basic concept.

Well then… I’m going back into recording. Everyone do your best for me.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA