GACKT Official instagram update

Hi bros n sisters. How are you doing? When I don’t have time, I just do some daily work outs at home. This is one of it. This is a fist push ups. You should focus on your wrist, put your weights on the roots of index and middle fingers. 60 times for 2 sets without breathing. Guys, actually you don’t need to go to a gym everyday. You should keep going daily work outs everyday. It works well. 元気か?もう日本は夜かな。時間がないときは、決めた幾つかの自宅トレーニングをやるだけでもいい。こんな感じで。これもそのうちの一つ。いわゆる拳立てだ。中指と人差し指の拳頭だけに体重を乗せて無呼吸60回2セット。ジムに毎日行く必要はない。毎日続けることが大切なんだよ。じゃ、頑張って。 @gackt #gacktstagram #gacktworkout #fistpushups #homeworkout

Un video pubblicato da GACKT (@gackt) in data:

GACKT’s comments translation

@g_lovers7 Rather than a time to train, if you put proper consideration into your daily meals, you can do it without going on a diet. For me, in my life, I’ve never gone on a diet before. When my friends around me want to lose weight, they will follow my menu. Because if they do that, they can lose 10 kilos of useless fat. But y’know, the most important thing isn’t to lose weight. Cut down -> move your body -> fast effect -> your organs start to function -> skin becomes clear -> supple -> become beautiful, that’s roughly what’s needed.

@seiryukingdom When you don’t breathe, the way your muscles flex will change. Whichever it is, there is a reason but, if you want to pan up, its more effective to stop breathing and do it. But y’know its pretty tough.

@camui.r Your fingers won’t grow fat. Because what’s supporting your body weight isn’t your fingers. Incidentally, my fingers are slim. If your fists and wrists are properly straight, they will be able to support you with balance. Just that, ladies don’t have to do it. This is something for the men who want to protect women to do.

@eriko33320 Main is (the) man

Legs are at a higher elevation to put the load at the upper part of your chest. When doing it with your feet on the ground, even guys will have their chests sagging and won’t look cool. To build muscles abovd your chest means you have to raise your chest. Guys will think that doing this is tough, but if you want to build muscle, its above your chest. Women who have the problem of their chests sagging, in other words its because there arent enough muscles above your chest.

@camui.r For my chest I think its big. Comparing with normal men. But when I wear clothes I look slim right? That is because I didn’t build muscles at the side of my neck. Incidentally, I only do my juice training twice a week. But, I can make my chest bigger. If you’re asking which to do, daily training using your own weight is more important.

@misohiden I don’t like that. The idea of “I’ll just build muscle!”. For me the ideal is a fast-reacting body with a supple appearance. That’s why I’ll only build what I can.

@michiyo_815 Of course, there are also people who can’t build muscle unless they go to the gym. It’s not that you don’t have to go to the gym, what’s important is that you continue building up everyday.

@aigackt601 There are push ups which you use arm strength for, there are those which make you use your whole body but, for knuckle pushups, since your wrists aren’t bent, you become conscious of the muscles in your chest and neck. You’ll become even more conscious of it compared to when you do normal pushups. if you get used to it you’ll naturally be able to do it. If you do normal pushups I think its difficult to build up chest muscles though

@madokanata4 I’ll upload that next time. Look forward to it.

@nakko7415 There are two broad reasons why your thighs get bigger. One is that there is too much fat built up. Another reason is that there is too much muscle built up. For fats there is diet restrictions and fat-burning workouts. Unexpectedly there are many girls who have too much muscle built up. This is a problem that’s related to their standing posture. The legs of the people whose both feet are facing inwards will look slimmer. On the other hand, the legs of those whose feet face outward tend to look fatter. This completely changes simply by the normal way you walk, the way you stand, and way you are conscious of yourself.

@smilingkage this is one of the style. Each push ups effects totally different. If you want to pump your muslces up, do without breathing. It works well.

@h_721_g Of course there is, but because the characters are difficult, I’ll upload it next time. Look forward to it.

@kazuyo0114 Its hard to put it in words but, if you think of the spine as a fulcrum, then it will be like the ribs are flaring out from that fulcrum. The way your ribs flare out is where you apply your power.

@kimie.tainaka That too is changed by your daily standing posture. Standing with your weight resting on your heels will make your ankles bigger. It is important that you always maintain the feeling that beneath your heel there’s a width of a coin that can’t be stepped down on. I think you’d get it if I say that.

@mentalrese_tomomo I will upload that next time as well.

@mie_g_g_mie If you want to become able to use your legs elegantly, you’ll definitely need to firm up your butt. As you age you eventually become unable to stretch your legs in front or behind you right? The movement of stretching your legs front and back, especially stretching far behind your body, is related to butt firming. I think you’d understand it if you raise your leg behind you. This, will also be uploaded next time.

@black1_7j0ker I’ll upload it next time. I think for me using the smith machine with an incline of 120kg, 4 times is the max… I won’t do more than that. Because I’ll become too buff. Normally the max I’d go for is 100kg though.

GACKT Are you talking about getting bigger chest muscles than mine? Hm… that’s a little tough. You can firm up but, it won’t make your muscles bigger either. An ample chest I guess.

@sato_en_ciel You hold your breath. If you breathe, your heart rate increases too much. Adding to it, the heart rates of people who sweat too much also tend to rise too much. Training while being conscious of keeping your heart rate to a certain range is needed. Because your heart rate moves in tandem with your breathing. You have to practice a long and thin breath when breathing in, and then expelling air with a slow and thin breath.

@papipapipapiko0404 Its because chest muscles and the lungs are closely related. There are many people who think that if they quickly get a sore throat after screaming it means that their throats are weak, but that’s not true. Its just that their balance is bad. If you don’t build chest and shoulder muscles when building throat muscles, you will never become better.

Got it?

@kaho_lovers One of it is the possibility that the balance between your stomach and back muscles has crumbled. Posture being bad, with the bending of your spine not properly supporting your body’s weight, this is also another possible reason, firstly, concentrate when you sit. Don’t cross your legs, don’t hunch your back either, try becoming conscious of this I guess.

@tigerlillies8345 I will post for it next time. Ok?

@g.c.mi Firstly, reconsider your meals. It would be good to try cutting your rice intake by half. In 2 months you can lose 5kg. Correspondingly, increase your side dishes by the same amount.

@rihito_yuzuriha Hm… that’s a wonderful dilemma. Its a blessed thing to be able to say that. The muscles above your chest, and the muscles in the area that’re just hanging off the shoulder of your bra aren’t enough. If you rely too much on lingerie you won’t use your muscles. If you build those muscles, both your neck and shoulder muscles will losen up.

Well, its about time to go. Sweet dreams everyone. I’ll upload again. I want to provide something for the ladies too but, its around 15 seconds. The video. Ahaha. Well then, bye.

Source: GACKT Official Instagram

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA

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