My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT’s Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】 

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

I wonder how many years it has been.
That it has been since
I was able to spend time with my friends and family in Taiwan.

In these few years,
I’ve rarely visited Taiwan.
There were many reasons but,
now that I think of it they weren’t significant.


Although its work,
when I told my family members that I was going to visit Taiwan,
everyone adjusted their own schedules
and came to meet up with me at night.

Right now,
those living in Canada,
those living in Hong Kong,
those living in Shanghai,
everyone adjusted their schedules and gathered.

I’m staying at a place called Hsinchu
where it will take over an hour to reach
even if you skipped over to Taiwan.

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Initially I said
『The hotel I’m staying at
is pretty far from Taipei too so,
you guys don’t have to go through the trouble to come…』
everyone’s own night schedules were adjusted
and against all odds they gathered.

Because it has been so long since we last met,
it was kinda awkward but,
in the end,
we kept drinking until 5 in the morning.


As to how I first contacted
my family in Taiwan,
that’s a trivial matter.

“Before the Last Visualive
I want to finish up by visiting the grave of my Taiwanese younger brother…”

I conveyed to them these feelings
and all of them came and gathered.

Family really is
a warm entity.
While in Taiwan,
there will definitely be someone with me for dinner,
and we don’t have to have deep conversations.
Its as if it’s a normal occasion,
food will be served
and they’ll ask
『Is it good?』.


How we were able to become family
is all thanks to my younger brother.

He was overflowing with talent.
As a singer,
and also as an entertainer, he had remarkable talents in both aspects.


he was suddenly struck with brain cancer,
and each time I saw him his body grew weaker.
Until the time he passed,
I went to Taiwan many times.

Each time we met he kept losing weight.
Eventually he couldn’t walk on his own,
and had to be pushed on a wheelchair.


Even the things that he could eat
be came limited.
Despite that,
when I went to Taiwan,
everyone would gather and have drinks
while clamouring noisily around him.
Those who were gathered there,
of course,
knew that he couldn’t drink alcohol,
and definitely knew that his body was growing weaker.


no one looked sad,
and whenever someone raised their glass,
everyone would down their drinks.
He would also raise his glass of water,
and gently wet his lips.

Everyone really liked him.


On 6 January 2004,
his younger sister contacted me in tears.
『Let him hear GACKT’s song in his last moments…』
The memory of singing through the phone
is still fresh in my mind.

He who had lost consciousness,
suddenly came around
when he heard the song,
and without taking anything with me I headed for Taiwan.

It was around 8 at night when I touched down in Taiwan.
When I arrived at his house,
everyone was gathered.
He was surrounded by people.
And everyone was crying.
Everyone’s favourite man was sleeping soundly.

While his mother leaned on me, she said
『Thank you, thank you,
for everything…』
over and over again while crying.

I learned how powerless I am.


Come to think of it 12 years has passed since.
The friends from those times
are all either married,
or having kids,
when we met this time,
they showed me pictures proudly with smiles and laughter.

It felt like we travelled back at an amazing speed
to where time has stopped.

When heading back I got on a cab,
opened the window and took in the wind.

When I casually stared out,
familiar scenes suddenly jumped out at me.

『Please stop the car…』

Makiyo, my younger sister, who was riding with me asked,

『Big brother, what’s wrong?』

she called out to me as I stood alone outside.
To everyone else it’s nothing,
it’s just a deserted normal open space.

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To me,
its a place from my memories.

This is one of the shooting locations for MOONCHILD.

In the movie,
this is the place where we filmed the scene
when HYDE and I meet again after a number of years.

It’s an empty place but,
to me, it has become a sorrowful moment.

When I thought of the character from the movie back then【Sho】,
it somehow became mixed up with my present thoughts
and tears started flowing.

Its been a long time since I cried like that.


Until now,
I’ve been avoiding visiting Taiwan a little but,
from now on I’ll come with more honesty to myself.

We can’t go back to the times that have passed.
once awhile look back on the road you’ve traversed,
you may even need
to look at what’s beneath your feet.

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I don’t like to cling onto memories but,
occasionally, memories
will remind me of precious feelings in this way.
That’s why they’re called memories…

Memories can be painful,
I’ve learnt the importance of it today.

Let’s give our all in living today.
To be able to welcome a wonderful tomorrow.
To not have a yesterday of regrets that you can’t return to.

-Yesterday’s the past,
tomorrow’s the future,
but today is a gift.
That’s why it’s called the present-

Well then,
the LASTVISUALIVE will be starting soon.
All my different thoughts will become one in my heart.

Thank you.
Because I’ll definitely make it a success,
look forward to it.
My younger brother.



My voice can be heard
on GACKT Blomaga so,
those who want to read it all, check out the Blomaga

※This article is an excerpt from the
“GACKT’s Trashy Stories” corner in the Blomaga.

【Delivered thrice a month】

With regards to the use of the images from the GACKT Official Blog, they cannot be used for commercial means, adult sites, or prompts linking to other sites,
use in news sites, reproduction on personal blogs or SNS are authorised.

In such cases please indicate【GACKTオフィシャルブログ より転載】(GACKT Official Blog All rights reserved). However, if our company deems your site to be inappropriate, posting will be immediately prohibited.
(c)G-PRO inc.

Source: GACKT Official Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA