Asia’s biggest beauty clinic from Korea opens its first outlet in Japan. GACKT-san and Miss Korea winners participate

Japan’s first branch of Asia’s biggest beauty clinic 「Oracle Beauty Clinic」 will be opening at Tokyo Shinjuku on 30 January 2016 (Saturday). In conjunction, the Korean President of 「Oracle Beauty Clinic」, Ro Young Woo came to Japan for to opening ceremony, which was also attended by Tokyo Shinjuku Clinic’s Director Takahashi Eri, and special guests Sin Su Min (2014 Miss Korea runner-up), Kim Myeongseon (2014 Miss Korea 2nd runner-up), Ryu Sora (2014 2nd runner-up), and also artiste GACKT-san who is the spokesperson for the clinic.
GACKT-san, reputed as the 「”too beautiful” rocker」, wants to increase awareness of practicing a beauty regimen regardless of gender, and GACKT-san himself has deep knowledge and particularities on the subject of beauty.

During the opening ceremony, a special menu which was created in collaboration with GACKT-san was introduced, followed by a talk session where he shared his own beauty regimen and aesthetics. The promotional videos starring GACKT, which were produced in commemoration of 「Oracle Beauty Clinic」’s first branch in Japan, were also screened for the first time.
「Oracle Beauty Clinic」 is Asia’s biggest aesthetic dermatologist clinic based in Korea, and has expanded to more than 70 branches in China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and other Asian countries.
A clinic that one can visit with more ease than a plastic surgeon’s, they provide customised treatments for each patient with latest medical technologies to results better than any other beauty-treatment clinic can.

Contents of Talk Session

MC: GACKT-san has attracted attention as someone with a lot of knowledge on beauty regimens and aesthetic but, what are your thoughts about being the spokesperson for Oracle Beauty Clinic this time around?

GACKT: There are many women in the world who try their best, and I believe that are even more who are stressed about this. With gaining confidence from becoming beautiful, they can do their best at work. Wanting to let women become beautiful. I agree with this philosophy of Oracle’s.

MC: This time GACKT-san has produced a treatment course? Will you pleases share with us its contents and good points?

GACKT: As I like beautiful skin, the course was made with the conscious idea of skin that can be unflinching even when in contact with a man at close range without makeup.

MC: Are there treatments that are can also be recommended to more mature women?
GACKT: I don’t have any fear when it comes to ageing. Taking good care and building on it daily, is a key point, if you stick to this point and maintain it, a person will continue to remain beautiful. Since there’s an anti-ageing treatment, I do recommend it.

MC: Do you feel that there is a difference when you compare the beauty awareness of Korean women with that of Japanese women?

GACKT: Japanese women are very beauty-conscious but, Korean women in comparison are not as conscious about skincare.
I can empathise with the high aesthetic of Korean women who become more beautiful by making their skin beautiful.

MC: For those who have sensitive skin, how should they take care of their skin? Do they have to pay attention to their diets?

GACKT: Because their skin is more sensitive due to allergies, I believe that these people will be more conscious about their own skin than others. Everyone eats too much. Food is the base of your body, its what makes up your body so they should pay attention to it. Don’t put things into your mouth unnecessarily. The food you eat makes your body, so I believe that it should be paid more attention to along side beauty.

MC: Must your girlfriend be able to cook?

GACKT: More than being able to cook, I would prefer to be with a woman who can manage food. A woman who can cook food that is delicious to both your body and life will be great. She has to be particular when picking ingredients. You’ll want to think that it is costly to be picky about your ingredients but, I eat only one meal a day, so I want to consume good food for that one long-awaited meal. I’m particular about eating something of good quality instead of quantity. I believe that such an awareness will lead to a good body that doesn’t get sick.

MC: Speaking of meals, I would like to ask about the products from what GACKT-san produced. As the original form of 「Misugaru」can be easily consumed and is really good for the body, Oracle Beauty Salon has planned to use it and this time, what has been produced by combining more than 60 different fruits, vegetables and grains. It has been devised in such a way that it can be easily absorbed but…

GACKT: Because the first thing that you put into your mouth in the morning is what gets absorbed the easiest, I had the thought of having something that is easy to consume even on a busy morning. Things like these typically don’t taste nice but, because what we have here is something that tastes so good that you’d want to continue with it, I hope that people will give it a try.

MC: In the web CM that will be released today on Oracle’s homepage (, there was a lovely actress who co-starred with you but, will you share with us your type of women and gestures that make your heart flutter?

GACKT: Men’s hearts will skip a beat just from everyday casual conversations or nonchalant gestures. Despite how it looks, types who want to make-out with women or want to bring their faces close to them but, because there are many women who become dislikable when looked at up close, I do get the feeling that it would be nice if there is someone who can continue to be likable without makeup. A web CM is longer than a normal CM so we can include playing around but, at the end the phrase「Daijoubu dayo (It’s alright)」is definitely included, and that is because we want to convey to everyone that『Even starting from now isn’t too late, you’re still in time, put in effort from here on』.

MC: Lastly, please give us a final message.

GACKT: As time flows by the environments in which women work a lot are increasing, and there will be even more who are holding on to stress. Gain confidence from becoming beautiful, and I hope that we can give support that can make one believe that they are beautiful.





Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA