“Kimi dake no〜 Boku de iru kara〜 ♫“

Yes, hello.
Ah, senpai (senior), it’s been awhile.

“I saw GACKT on TV in a press conference yesterday!!”
… you say.

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Thank you.
I’m glad.
Having you speak of me like that.

I’ve been rewarded for bustling around from morning.
For the press event,
I definitely have to start preparing from early in the morning,
so it was tough because I was pretty sleepy.

Because I was doing recordings until morning the previous day.

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it came to be quite a great press event.
Also, the CM came out quite well.

“Yes yes!
I contacted you with the thought of saying that!”
… you say…

Since this time it was a web CM,
it was fun.
Being able to express various things.

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A web CM,
in comparison with a television CM,
takes a longer time to film in itself though.
Correspondingly, because it allows for more to be expressed
I really like it a lot.

though the shoot itself is quite tough.
In reality, the production side
has a lower budget than a television CM would so
because there are lots of things that we absolutely have to do
I think its tough though.

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“By the way
when was this filmed?”
… you ask…

was shot during the year end right before I went back overseas.
So it’s filmed exactly
one month ago.

the cycle of creating and releasing
is short.

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Be it in the world of film
or the world of music,
the time between the work being created and released
is becoming really short.

For example, in the past,
if the time frame from the time an album is produced
until the time it is released into the world
is less than half a year at least
you’ll get the feeling that
it should not be considered as complete.


now we can even release
something that was completed just 5 days ago
and present it to the world is that fresh state.

Times are changing.

“Heh〜〜〜 Is that so?
But if its the music industry time is also needed
to be spent on making the packaging right?”
… you say…

Only Japan
is still making and selling
CD packaging.


Looking internationally,
there are barely any places left
that still have packaging businesses.

CD shops
also barely exist.

Its the same for film.
Until now,
the only country that still does movie packaging
is Japan.

It’s really unusual.

To a large extent,
in terms of worldview,
you realise that its an old world.

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Take for example,
if you met people from a country
that still listens to cassette tapes
you’ll feel the same way right?

“I see, so that’s what it is…”

For example,
if this was happening in developing countries
in South East Asia
it makes sense.


But that’s not it.
It’s a weird occurrence
that this only applies to Japan.

Even the countries that are not developed yet in South East Asia
are not countries that sell packaging.
Everyone downloads.

This is the universal standard.

Even in the rental industry its the same.
Because everything is downloaded.

And there’s more.
Japan’s internet infrastructure is
a top standard of the world.

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In other words,
even though the download environment
is one of the top 5 in the world,
the sales methods are still

like living fossils.

This symbolises the Japan at present.
The entertainment industry is
not keeping up with the trends of the world.2016-gen28-Blomaga-23It’s completely floating.
In other countries,
they do more downloads,
though it takes an overwhelming amount of time.Despite that,
packaging has disappeared.
This brings up a sense of discomfort.

“That kind of displacement with the world,
is it something that is often related to Japan?”

It is.
A lot.

For example,
let’s take the automakers.
Now, internationally
everyone’s switching to automatic operations.

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In America
automation will be realised
within perhaps another 5 years.

Accidents will be reduced,
and a new lifestyle will replace the old.
In other words,
until now we’ve always had to drive on our own but,
if we can automatically be brought to the office,
you can sleep in the car,
or do other various things right?

Source: OH!! MY!! GACKT!!

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA