GACKT: To win a woman who likes「to be courted」? With a kiss!

On January 30th one of the largest Asian dermatological Center, 「Oracle」, will open in Shinjuku (Tokyo). At the dermatological center 「Oracle」’s opening ceremony, held in Shinjuku (Tokyo) on January 25th, GACKT attended as host and representative. GACKT did also a speech about the beauty and said something about SMAP disbanding.
He also expressed out loud his opinion about food:「All human beings eat too much!」, and goes on,「Let’s eat just once a day every day in order to make our bodies used to it. It will become something natural for us, but we live only to eat」.「More than a woman being able to cook for me, I would prefer a woman who takes care about her body and who’ll make it perfect training with me」GACKT says according to his opinion of an ideal woman.「I like clean skin, a skin beautiful to see」,「I like the skin without makeup. When my future girlfriend will be with me, I’d want her to show me always her natural face」he reveals with a smile, and revealing the name of the course he produced, “For the girls who don’t trust their own skin” he says:「I’d want to support all the girls in the world!」. He also reveals 「I like girl who wanna be courted」and when asked about his way of courtship, he answers「Well, I don’t need too many words. I suddenly kiss her」; and he adds laughing :「I create the right atmosphere to kiss her. I think that a woman couldn’t flinch from that!」.

At the end of the event, they privately asked the singer about SMAP disbanding, he answers「To be honest I have nothing to say, I don’t want to create a mess about something not concerning me」「We live in a cruel world. The world of music is not easy. They were able to stand despite everything in the world of music and they dominated Idol’s world becoming very popular, I’m sure they will be able to get a lot of success with no doubts」「Magazines have already said many things, but the only thing I would say to group’s members is to go on, I hope the best for each one of you」. Then he leaves a message of encouragement to the band:「I hope you’ll be able to charm and to have a lot of fans just like you did until now, I’m sure you’ll succeed」.











Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA