GACKT, 「Us who are fans」 A new realisation from SMAP news

On the 25th was the opening ceremony of Korean aesthetic dermatology clinic 『Oracle Beauty Clinic』’s first salon in Japan, Tokyo Shinjuku, which was held at the clinic itself, and attended by musician GACKT who is the current face of the salon. With regards to his personal style of romance, he said 「I like kissing. During seduction, instead of words I’ll skip to a kiss」, revealing a side of him that treasures skinship.

『Oracle Beauty Clinic』 is Asia’s biggest aesthetic dermatologist clinic based in Korea, and has expanded to more than 70 branches in China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and other Asian countries. This time, their first branch in Japan, Tokyo Shinjuku, will open on January 30. Also, on this day, 3 participants of Miss Korea graced the ceremony, and the videos which starred GACKT were revealed as well.

GACKT, who is known to have a high awareness to “beauty”, shared that the reason for his introduction to cosmetics was allergies that he had. 「Everything from my exercise to my nutritional management started changing from there. Things that I consume make up my body, everything becomes me」. GACKT, who eats one meal a day and routinely has his meals at restaurants which are thoroughly particular about their ingredients, further emphasized, saying 「The way to become beautiful is not through makeup, but through making your skin beautiful. For that, the most important thing is to have well balanced meals」.

Also, he said longingly, 「I wish girls will show me their beauty without makeup」. This time, GACKT said, sounding like he originally produced the procedure, 「I thought of giving skin that will look alright even with a guy up close」, and presented an appeal 「I hope that women will become more and more beautiful, and have men of the world at their mercy」.

After the event ended, in an enclosed interview, GACKT touched on the news of SMAP’s break-up, while he said 「It is not for outside parties to quibble about who’s right or wrong」, with regards about the current uproar, he keenly added, 「The fans have once again made aware. The kind of relationship that they have with their own fans has become a crucial point to consider」.

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Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team

Translation © GACKT ITALIA