10 May 2015…

I have grown by yet another year (lol)

The aspiration that I’ve shared with all my staff and friends is…

“A [thank you] for all the wishes that I’ve received from everyone
Life is about taking it a day at a time.

That is probably the only thing that I can say is the same for everyone.

Running forward with all your strength for today.

Pour all your focus into something for today.

Discipline yourself and constantly awaken your senses for today.

Always, today will be the youngest you’ll ever be again…

Even at 53, I want to live each day to my heart’s content.”

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Also, many customers, friends, and company members celebrated with me.

I am thankful that someone like me received so many presents and comments from LINE, Facebook and Twitter.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone.

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Also, in my toughest moment, when I was getting the most severe criticism from the public,

it is thanks those who have request of GemCEREY to continue producing jewellery

and the surprising number of letter that were received that the current me can be here.

Back then when I wrote up to this point in the blog, the public didn’t trust me so I didn’t write more but, now I can.

Even I, myself, has been surprised.

The trading partners’ credit companies said “From President Nakano, we’ve not been able to get any claims. Despite that the systems have been laid.”

I too was surprised.

This is why, to my customers, I am overflowing with “thank you’s”…

People can say anything with their mouths, but, now, from the bottom of my heart, I want to tell my customers “thank you” with all of me.

Also, I really really thank everyone for the continued support until our revival.

Nakano is a blessed man.

Also, the unchanging friends…

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This year too, I celebrated with the members that Mon-chan started…

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We went for golf together… And I received a golf bag as a birthday present from (starting left) Hiyama Shinjiro-kun, Jinnai Tomonori-kun, and Wakisaka Junichi-kun.

Thank you!

Eh!? What about President’s younger brother!? Was that what you wondered (lol)

Because GACKT has been overseas recently right. But, this morning, I received a birthday message from him and when I came to the company…

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As a congratulations from GACKT, he sent over a snowboard and a helmet (lol)

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And! [big bro! Let’s go together this year] was the message that it came with (lol)

Alright alright, I’ll have a snowboarding debut too (lol) Ahahahaha.

GACKT! During my difficult times, I spoke with this guy a lot at night.

Without this guy I probably wouldn’t have been able to tide it through, thanks a lot!

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In my own life, there’s been a lot of stormy twists and turns that I can’t decipher the meaning of.

But, whether my luck is good, or whether I lament about only me being down on my luck…

However, if there was just that me who thinks that I have bad luck, and desperately living each day, this is only the result of my actions I guess.

Previously I wrote about the life span of businesses.

Established 1 year = 40%
Established 5 years = 15%
Established 10 years = 6%
Established 20 years = 0.3%
Established 30 years = 0.02%

Alright, we’ve entered the 24th year! Right now, I’m standing with both feet!

To let the company continue on…! To be able to keep on to hundreds of employees…

Now, I think that I’ve been able to realise it in reality.

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It’s on yourself if you think that everyday is tough.

It’s also on yourself if you think that it is enjoyable.

That’s why, live everyday believing that that it is enjoyable!

From here on too, everyone, please look out for me.

And so, see ya~

(Link: I’m also writing a Nakano Takeshi corner in GACKT’s Blog Magazine OH!!MY!!GACKT !)

Source: Takeshi Nakano Blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team