“Three Person Photo With GACKT and a Good Friend”

Good evening everyone

Today the final show in Nagoya of MOON SAGA Yoshitsune Hiden ch 2 was a huge success!!

No matter the Typhoon we are facing now, many people came to attend the play and I’m very grateful to all of you.


Because of this special appearance

The audience was quite excited

GACKT too made his appearance from the guest seating

the rest

A secret!

And this morning at the training there was a close good friend of mine from Osaka


Uchida who is the head of the Uchida School made a 3 hours of trainig with us

He did a good training sweating a lot with us

Also he talked with GACKT

and here is a shot with the 3 of us!!!


that friend was impressed by the ability of GACKT’s body, his sharp kicks.

source: Mayo Kawasaki blog

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team