GACKT gives advices to women on “How to control your man at best”

The great artist GACKT, gave some advices to women on how to make someone fall in love with you.




On September 15th, GACKT participated to the even of the anniversary of a coffee shop of the city. When GACKT was asked “And if your loved one would wake up every day early and prepared you a good cup of coffee?”, with watery eyes he said: “Well I would be really happy! I think that if there was a girl like this she would be amazing!”, he continued talking in a clearer way: “I think that nowadays, even if people get married, the ones who knows how to make a couple relationship work are really just a few”. He continues with his theory: “If we also consider the woman figure that every day she gets up early to make us coffee, I think it is really an important thing. Since men are very simple creatures, to control them at best and always have them by your side it just takes a small gesture and you will surely have no problems”, looking afar he ended: “A woman like this would indeed be amazing!”

Il 15 Settembre, GACKT ha partecipato all’evento dell’anniversario di una caffetteria all’interno della città. Quando è stata posta la domanda a GACKT “E se la tua persona amata si svegliasse ogni giorno di buon mattino e ti preparasse una buona tazza di caffé?”, con gli occhi lucidi comincia : “Beh mi farebbe davvero felice! Penso che se ci fosse una ragazza del genere sarebbe fantastica!”, continua parlando in modo un pò più chiaro : “Penso che ai giorni d’oggi, anche se le persone si sposano, quelle che sanno far funzionare un rapporto di coppia sono davvero poche”. Continua la sua teoria : ” Poi se mettiamo in considerazione la figura della donna che ogni mattina si alza presto per poterci preparare il caffé,penso che sia davvero una cosa importante. Dal momento che gli uomini sono creature molto semplici, per poterli controllare al meglio e averli sempre al nostro fianco basta un piccolo gesto e ci riuscirete senza problemi”, guardando in lontananza conclude : “Infatti una donna così anche per me sarebbe fantastica!”




◆Five years ago before “entering adulthood”

In the same shop where you can see the future with drones and robots working behind the counter, GACKT as absolute first client shocks with a surprising revelation, “till 5 years ago I never drank coffee!”. GACLT also talked about an episode: “When I was in France, all the people were considering drinking coffee something really cool, strong. So I trained every day to start drinking coffee!”, “Obviously I got used to drink coffe, and thinking to finally have entered the adult world, I ended up to be absolutely addicted to it”.

Source: ModelPress

Translation: GACKT ITALIA Team